Hi everyone! My name is Ben and I am Rose’s contractor extraordinaire and (ahem) husband. Rose and I have been happily married for 13 years and we make a great design team. She is the visionary with the great ideas and I am brawn that helps make it all come to life. This is our kickoff of a series of blog posts to showcase our DIY Sunroom project. Follow along each week as we show our progress. Hopefully by the end of the project it will look great and be under budget!
Here is our backyard looking in at our covered porch. This was such a nice feature we were looking forward to using in our new home. Well, after a couple of years, we realized this covered porch wasn’t as great as we thought. We tended to only use this porch when it was warm but not hot, the bugs weren’t biting and the pollen was low. It turns out that is just about 2 weeks out of the year in Atlanta! We also had a terrible time keeping it clean from the yard debris, pesky spiders and sticky pollen. It seems like I was out there sweeping or power washing it more than I was enjoying it. Eventually, this supposed feature turned into a cluttered storage space.

So Rose and I started talking about enclosing this porch into a sunroom. It already had 3 walls, a roof and a slab floor which was a great start. The one open wall seemed to be a good fit for a couple of sliding glass doors. This would allow easy access to the backyard while still showing an open view of the woods out back. After some intense research and budget planning, I told Rose I thought I could tackle this project as a DIY.

It would be a big undertaking for me though as it would be the biggest DIY project I have ever attempted. Overall I was confident because while it was a big project, all of the components were pretty straightforward. It was just going to take time and hard work. I also planned on bringing my dad in on the project to have an extra set of hands. He has a lot of DIY experience and an extensive tool collection too. It would also be a great opportunity for us to work together on a big project. I also watched some videos including this one and this series of videos which helped a lot.
So Rose gave me the green light to transform this porch with unmet potential into a warm and inviting sunroom. We will be able to use it more of the year while being free of the pesky bugs and pollen. This is our official kickoff of the project.Check back each week to follow our progress. I am sure this will be a challenging, yet rewarding DIY project and I am really excited to see how it will turn out!
#roseandlilyinteriors #faithfilledinteriors #diydesign #homedecor #diydecor #interiordesign #porch #diyproject #diyprojects #inspiration #roseandlilysunroom #homeinspo #houseinspo
DIY Sunroom - Week 3 - Rose & Lily Interiors
January 13, 2021 @ 3:01 pm
[…] Week 3 was successful and we are ready to install the windows and doors next week!! This week of the project had three parts: adding the sheathing to the exterior walls, wrapping the exterior walls with house wrap, and building concrete sills for the sliding doors. If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 2 - Rose & Lily Interiors
January 14, 2021 @ 12:09 pm
[…] We made it through week 2 of our DIY Sunroom project! This week was all about framing and while we did encounter some bumps in the road, it was ultimately a success. If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 1: Demolition, Design Plan - Rose & Lily Interiors
January 14, 2021 @ 4:37 pm
[…] is where I tell Rose, “there’s no changing our minds now!” Be sure to read the kickoff post for this project is you haven’t […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 6: Interior Insulation and Walls - Rose & Lily Interiors
January 31, 2021 @ 5:28 pm
[…] In week 6 of our Sunroom project, we added insulation and walls to the interior. We really like the shiplap look on the end wall and think it was a great choice. The room is starting to come together! If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 7: Interior Trim - Rose & Lily Interiors
February 7, 2021 @ 3:37 pm
[…] In week 7 of our Sunroom project, we added the interior trim. That really helps make the room look more finished and we are liking the look! If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 8: Exterior Paint - Rose & Lily Interiors
February 14, 2021 @ 3:07 pm
[…] In week 8 of our Sunroom project, we selected the paint color for the exterior and painted it. Just a few finishing touches and the outside is complete! If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 9: Interior Paint - Rose & Lily Interiors
February 21, 2021 @ 9:27 pm
[…] In week 9 of our Sunroom project, we tackled the interior paint. This was quite the undertaking, but it looks great! If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 10: Paint Brick, Repurpose Toy Chest - Rose & Lily
March 1, 2021 @ 3:14 pm
[…] In week 10 of our Sunroom project, our task was to paint the brick and repurpose an old toy chest for the space. We had not originally planned on painting the brick, but after we painted the rest of the room white, the light colored brick all of the sudden looked much darker and browner. It just had to go! If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 11: Floor and Trim - Rose & Lily Interiors
March 9, 2021 @ 12:16 pm
[…] In week 11 of our Sunroom project, we installed the last major element of the room which was the floor and trim. Wow, what a difference! Covering that ugly gray concrete with a nice hardwood tone suddenly transformed this space into a comfortable feeling indoor area. We’re so close to the end now! If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom - Week 12: Repurpose Dining Table - Rose & Lily Interiors
March 17, 2021 @ 8:02 pm
[…] In week 12 of our Sunroom project, we show how we were able to repurpose an old dining table into the coffee table that will be used in the new Sunroom. Rose is busy decorating and putting the final finishes in the Sunroom, so we have some time to talk about this little project I snuck in a few weeks ago. The new coffee table came out great and is going to go perfectly in its new home. If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom: Final Reveal - Rose & Lily Interiors
March 20, 2021 @ 1:00 am
[…] This is the moment we have been building up to and are excited for the final reveal of our finished DIY Sunroom! We are already beginning to enjoy the fruits of our labor as our whole family loves the extra space and the comfortable and peaceful atmosphere. Our little ones love exploring and playing, and our oldest enjoys playing games with the family at the game table. We adults enjoy getting our days started with our morning tea and coffee while being close to nature. If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom: Swing Bed - Part 1 - Rose & Lily Interiors
March 28, 2021 @ 12:00 am
[…] What would a DIY Sunroom be without a DIY Swing Bed!? A swing bed is one of those pieces that instantly brings a feeling of comfort and relaxation. We knew we wanted one in our new sunroom, but we realized pretty quickly we didn’t have money in the budget for it. So we looked for designs that we could build ourselves! This swing bed is simple, yet stylish. It is our family’s favorite spot in the room. If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this project starting here. […]
DIY Sunroom: Swing Bed – Part 2 - Rose & Lily Interiors
March 1, 2022 @ 5:44 am
[…] We are so glad we chose to build this swing bed! It has turned out to be a terrific focal point for the Sunroom. It is not only a great place to hang out as a family, but also a place to chill out and relax, read a book or even take a nap. Not only that, it is a bit fun too. Somehow it just takes you back to your childhood swinging on the swings in the park. If you have a sunroom or a porch, we highly recommend a swing bed. They truly are great for the whole family. These come in all sizes from crib size all the way up to king! We chose the twin size because it is big enough for our family without taking over the room. If you’re just tuning in, be sure to read the previous posts for this DIY Sunroom project starting here. […]